About Us

After the passing away of ayatollah Allamah Askari the need to reconsider publishing his compilations and his writings that was only remained on paper and preserved by Dr. Sayyed Kazem Askari was felt.

In consider of this need at the request of Dr. Askari and with the assistance of hojjat al-Islam Salimi the appropriate action was taken and by forming the Allameh Askari Islamic studies center the following moves were taken:

preparation and research on cinema 4d crackeado unpublished writings of the late Allameh Askari.

activation of audio and video unit regarding lectures, debates and question and answer sessions of the late Allameh Askari.

comprehensive action regarding the biography of the late Allameh Askari including writings and documenting.

full scan of all the manuscripts of the late Allameh Askari.

activation of the unit for arranging and publishing the works of the late Allameh Askari.

activation of the translation unit to make driver genius crackeado the writings of the late Allameh Askari in different languages.

activation of public relations and media unit of Allameh Askari Islamic studies center.

activation of Allameh Askari website at: www.alaskari.org and Instagram page:Alaskari.farsi as well as the channel of Al allameh Alaskari Islamic studies center in Eitaa at: @alaskari_farsi

In the meantime we take advantage of the support and views of respected professor’s especially Ayatollah Javedan and ayatollah Tahajjodi and other dears and companion’s and we welcome suggestions and criticism of all intellectuals and those interested in Allameh Askari.