Why did the Jews live in the city of Medina during the time of the Prophet

Why did the Jews live in the city of Medina during the time of the Prophet

Why did the Jews live in the city of Madina during the time of the Prophet (PBUH)?

Why did some of the Jewish people, who originally lived in Shamat, migrated to Hijaz and especially Madina before the Prophet’s time? And during the time of the Prophet, a part of the community of Yathrib city (the same Madina) was formed by Jews. Allamah Sayyid Morteza Askari, while giving a speech on the biography of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), refers to this issue, the audio and text of which are presented below.

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allāh an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day.

There are some matters and wisdom in the life of the Prophet and Imams, which unfortunately have not been studied until today… [for example] that the Jews emigrated and went to stay in Madina, was there any wisdom in that?

The Jews came to Madina in one group, which were ۳ tribes: 1) Banu Qurayza, 2) Banu Qainuqa, 3) Banu Al-Nadir; Outside Madina, we also have a Wadi al-Qura (Qura is the arabic plural of village), Seventy villages were Jewish residents. You have heard of Khaybar. There were seven castles, all of them were Jewish residents. Their staying in this place [Madina] had a reason. What was the reason and wisdom?

Those that God, the Blessed and Exalted, had revealed to the past prophets and their guardians from the life of the last prophet; The Jewish scholars prophesied to the people of Madina and said that such a prophet will come, his attributes are as follows, and we will join him and kill you[1]. Because they were people of the book themselves. [that is why] the attributes of the last Prophet were familiar to the people of Madina, just as we have heard the attributes of  Imam Mahdi (AS) and repeatedly recounted them and are waiting for his appearance, so were the people of Madina.

Therefore, when a group of people from Madina went on a trip to Mecca to get an alliance from there to fight against another tribe, they met the Prophet (PBUH). They said to each other: “This is what the Jews used to say!” [And] they believed. The Prophet sent a messenger with them, [by the name of] Mus’ab ibnUmayr, and he went there. Now Mecca during that hard time of the Prophet.. after the death of Abu Talib and Khadijah… Islam spread in Madina. They came next year and pledged allegiance. The Prophet was transferred from Mecca to Madina. Now these people of Madina were saying to the Jews: “You yourselves said [that the Prophet is like this]!” [But they] said: “No, it is not!”

Therefore, the migration and settlement of Jews in Madina and their stay and recountings, conversations, night stays, in arguments and disputes, had one wisdom and reason, and that was to prepare for the establishment of an Islamic government in Madina.

You have heard the story of Bahira. The use I want to make of this story is that they had read in their book that the last prophet  will pass through a road before his prophethood. They had built a monastery there hoping to see this prophet. And a monk would pass this information to another monk when he was dying. How are we waiting for Imam Mahdi? The father dies, the son dies and we are all waiting!? They were also like this. They were constantly waiting for this caravan to come from Mecca to see the Prophet (PBUH). Abu Talib, who became Sheikh of Mecca after his father and was the guardian of the Holy Prophet’s life, wanted to go on a business trip, the Prophet said: “Uncle! Who will you leave me to?” He said: “No! I’ll take you!” and took [the Prophet]. When the sun heats up, a cloud casts a shadow over the Prophet’s head. This monk saw that the caravan was coming. The cloud has cast a shadow on this caravan. [He thought to himself]: “oh!!! Can it be the same? Whom we expect from our fathers and ancestors? They arrived. They landed near the monks monastery. [Bahira] said: “I want to invite you all.” As the Prophet was young, they left him near the baggage of their caravan. Everyone came. [Bahira] looked, and didn’t see the prophet! The cloud has cast a shadow there. He said: “Is there anyone left from you?” They said: “… a young man…” He said: “Why?! Why did you leave him?” One of the Quraysh said: “The grandson of Abd al-Muttalib ” He went and and brought the holy prophet. [Bahira] looked… Yes, it is the same.

The holy Quran says: Those to whom We gave the Scripture know him [i.e., Prophet Muḥammad (ﷺ)] as they know their own sons. (Al-Baqarah 146). He kept going around the Prophet and kept seeing his eating [and checking his other attributes], it is the same! He said to Abu Talib: “Who is he to you?” Abu talib: “He is my son!” Bahira: “No! he has no father. He is an orphan.” Abu Talib: “Yes.” He is my brother’s son.”  Bahira:”Ah, now it’s right .” He came to the prophet(PBUH) and said to him: “I swear to you of lat and Uzza to tell the truth to whatever I say.” He said: “Don’t bring me the names of these. I don’t consider anything as an enemy more than these.” These were signs [for Bahira] that the Arabs did not understand, but he [Bahira] was aware of it. He started asking about the Prophet’s eating, sleeping, sitting and walking. All these were to him. He said to Abu Talib: “This son of your brother is the last prophet.” Be careful what I saw, if the Jews also see it, they will harm him. bring him back soon.”

Was this coincidence? Or did God want the people of Mecca [to know him] before the Prophet (PBUH) was sent? Well, we travel, and a person who returns from a long trip, if he has seen something strange, he will definitely tell [to others]! After The return of the people of Mecca, they [definitely] said something. So these [events] are preparation. How God shines the sun on the fruit so that the fruit ripens. [These events] must have been preparations for the minds of the people of Mecca.

And when there came to them a Book [i.e., the Qur’ān] from Allāh confirming that which was with them – although before they used to pray for victory against those who disbelieved – but [then] when there came to them that which they recognized, they disbelieved in it; so the curse of Allāh will be upon the disbelievers.  [1]

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