Allamah Askari at the Turkish conference (2)

Allamah Askari at the Turkish conference

In the previous part, we read that the first international Islamic conference was held in Saudi Arabia with Wahhabi nobles and doubts were raised in this conference against the school of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), which the scholars of this school answered. After gaining experience from this conference, the next conference in Turkey was held in a different way. We invite you to read this article. But in this conference, they invited Sunni scholars from all over the world, all of them were great scholars, but they did not repeat the mistake of the previous year in the case of Iran, and invited only one scientist. And the title of his speech was determined as follows: “The position of the Sunnah among the Shiites of the Twelve Imams[1]”, which the gentlemen here chose me and took my article and sent it to Turkey. I asked the gentlemen to bring their articles for me to read.  But they did not bring it, so the articles were not read.  Why? Mr. Moezuddin: During the call we had, they did not send the articles, a similar seminar was also held in Spain. We requested the articles, they did not send them and they replied that they will be presented later. Currently, the articles have been published in book form and are available to the public. Allamah Askari: So my suppose that the aim was to surprise the Iranian Shiite is correct.  Anyway, with the help of Engineer Mr.Aryaei and the permission of the Ministry of Guidance, we took eight boxes of books with us. Those two people who have to debate with me already had and read my article. I only knew as far as the title that the discussion is about the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH). After arriving in Turkey, I had a meeting with Dr. Mustafa Oz, the vice president of “Waqf Al-dirasat al-Islamiyya” Islamic Research Center, who was an expert on Iranian issues and one of the debaters who came with me and a professor of theological faculty of Marmara University.[2] The first night The honorable guests were introduced, Mr. Ahmed Al-Katib was also one of the honorable guests of this meeting!  By claiming to be a Shia, he was very active in the propagation of his thoughts in denying the existence of Imam Mahdi (AS)!![3] The next morning at the beginning of the conference, I was placed in the front row as part of the honorable delegations[4] (about eight people). On the first day, Mr. Ozak, the head of Waqf Al-dirasat, opened the conference with a short speech, then they called me, I thought they wanted to talk about my article sooner. I said: i didn’t bring the article. But in spite of this, I was placed behind the Tribune, and at the same time I was supposed to make only a short and ceremonial speech at the opening, but I started a detailed discussion about the Qur’an. I did not prepare for this speech in advance, it was as if it was God’s will that it should happen because the Wahhabis have scattered all over the world that: “Shia have another Qur’an besides this Qur’an and they practice taqiya “taqiya is the action of committing a sinful act (such as feigning unbelief) for a pious goal.” about this Qur’an!” At the beginning of the discussion, I thanked the founders of the parliament, then I started my speech with the history of the Qur’an and said: This Qur’an, which is now in our hands, was written in the same way during the time of the Prophet (PBUH).  And during the time of the Prophet (PBUH), a number of companions also had a complete Qur’an that was accompanied by commentary, because God said to His Prophet: And We revealed to you the message [i.e., the Qur’ān] that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them. Interpretation of the Qur’an with divine revelation, from the number of rak’ats of prayer to how to fast and…

All of them came in the form of non-Qur’anic revelations, and the Prophet (PBUH) delivered them to the Companions along with the verses of the Qur’an, and the Companions also wrote them, and these writings were the same Musahafs of the Companions, that is, the Qur’an with commentary (tafsir), so the meaning of the differences between the Musahafs; is that The difference was not in the essence of the Qur’an, it was in the interpretations.  In one Mushaf, there was an interpretation of a verse, and in another Mushaf, there wasn’t, the difference was in existence and non-existence (with this reasoning, the problem of the difference in the Musahaf of the companions was solved). Then I stated: During the time of the caliphs, the policy of the government was to separate the Qur’an from the hadith of the Prophet (PBUH), so they started writing a Qur’an without commentary. they left it with Umm al-Mu’minin Hafsa, during the time of the third caliph, differences arose between the governors of the Umayyad tribe and the companions of the Prophet because the companions read interpretations from their books and they did not like that, for example: Abdullah ibn Masoud, who was the Muqri (teacher of the Qur’an) from the time of the second caliph, of the people of Kufa, after the conflict with Walid who was the governor of Kufa, read to the people of Kufa from his Mushaf: “O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance[7]” “Al-Hujurat – verse 6” was revealed about Walid !! In Madina, when the Companions clashed with Marwan ibn al-Hakam, they read from their Mushafs: “as was the accursed tree [mentioned] in the Qur’ān. And We threaten them, but it increases them not except in great transgression. [8]”, “Al-Isra’ Verse 60” was revealed about Bani Al-As, that is: Marwanians, This has been the case in other cities as well. Therefore, the meaning of the differences between the Mushafs of the companions during the time of Uthman was the difference in the interpretation of some verses in the Mushaf of the companions and not in the other Mushaf, and the reason for the mistake that they thought that the Companions had different Qur’ans is that the meaning of the Qur’anic terms of the era of the companions has changed in our era. Mushaf in the era of the Companions until the beginning of the second century of Hijri meant a text between two volumes, whether it is the Qur’an with commentary like the Mushaf of the Companions or the text of hadiths such as the Mushaf of Khalid bin Ma’dan who died in the year onehundred and thress or four or eight of the Hijri and like the Mushaf of Fatima  The daughter of the Prophet (pbuh) that Imam Sadiq (as) says: There is not a single word of the Qur’an in that Mushaf, but it is unseen news. Since today the meaning of the Mushaf is equal to the Qur’an in the eyes of people, they have thought that the difference between the Mushaf of the Companions was a difference in the text of the Qur’an, and the Mushaf of Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet (PBUH), who is from Ahl al-Bayt in the hadiths, is another Qur’an. With this statement, three things became clear for the attendees: One is that Mushaf in Arabic means writing between two volumes and it was used in the same sense until the beginning of the second century of Hijri. Second, the problem of the thirteen centuries of the school of caliphs regarding the difference between the books is solved. Thirdly, the Mushaf of Fatimah daughter of the Prophet (pbuh) was not the Qur’an. After that I said: The third caliph Uthman, when he saw the aforementioned difference between the Companions and the Umayyads, took the unexplained Qur’an from Umm al-Mu’minin hafsa and ordered seven copies to be written of it.

When these unexplained copies of the Qur’an were brought to the third caliph, the caliph saw a mistake in the writing of the Qur’an, so he said: the tone is wrong in this writing, but because they are Arabs, and they know the Qur’an in their native dialect They will read it in the correct way. Even today, Muslims write all the Qurans with the same wrong script and in all Islamic countries: Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and Turkey;  And non-Islamic countries in Europe and non-Europe have never had a printed or written Quran other than this, and no Quran has been distorted and will never be. In this way, the promise of God, which he said, “Indeed, it is We who sent down the message [i.e., the Qur’ān], and indeed, We will be its guardian.[9]”, “Al-Hajar, verse 9” has been fulfilled. With this statement, two other things were clarified for the attendees: First: The problem of thirteen centuries of conflict after the era of the companions was solved in understanding the words of the third Caliph about the arabs reading the Qur’an. Second: There is no other Qur’an at any time, anywhere, with anyone, whether Shia or non-Shia, and there will never be any distortion thus God is the custodian of the Qur’an. In our opinion, the first reason for the creation of different readings of the Qur’an after the age of the Companions was that after the age of the Companions, they thought that the words of the third Caliph: “it has a tone that the Arabs will read correctly” means that there is a wrong tone in the text of the Qur’an, and the Arabs with with their accent are correcting words and pronounces it correctly. In addition to that, there are narrations in the “Sahih” books of the school of caliphs that the Qur’an can be read in seven ways;  In this way, instead of “Taaloo Nad’a” you can read “Helmowa Nad’a” or recite “Aqbelu” or “Asreu” or “Ajjelu” or “Baderu”! In our opinion, due to these two reasons, first seven readings were established, then it reached fourteen readings, then twenty one and more.  And we have proved in the second volume: “The Holy Qur’an and the Narratives of the Madrasteen” that these hadiths are not true and they have falsely attributed their adultery to the Companions.  As a result, fake readings were created due to these two reasons.  According to this article, the meaning of the hadiths of Imam Baqir, Sadiq and Kazem (AS) is also clarified, which they say: A- They became trustees of God’s book and distorted it. That is, they distorted the Quran with these fake readings. B- The Qur’an is the same Qur’an and it came from the One God, and the existing differences arise from the narrations of the narrators. C- Read the Qur’an as the people – the masses of Muslims – read it. Therefore, the meaning of the hadith of Imam Baqir (AS) is that the Qur’an is the same Qur’an that is in the hands of all Muslims and that it has come from the One God, and this difference in the readings has arisen from the narrations, and the narrators of the Qur’an have distorted the Qur’an with these fabricated readings. And after that I said: In the school of caliphs “Zanadaqa” forged false narrations, a part of which I have examined in the book of “Abdullah ibn Sab’a” and “one hundred and fifty fabricated companions” and in the school of Ahl al-Bayt “Ghalat” forged hadiths. which the imams of Ahl al-Bayt have introduced to us. The narration of the recitations made by Zanadaqa about the Qur’an in the hadith books of the school of caliphs has remained until today and has not been included in the Qur’an, and the narration of the readings made by Ghalat in the school of Ahl al-Bayt has also not been included in the Qur’an. Also, there are some Quranic terms that have changed their meaning in our era, that is why the narrations that are found in the hadith books of both schools and those terms are mentioned in them, it is suspicious for the people of this age.I have stated those terms in the first volume of “Al-Qur’anAl-Karim Wa Riwayat al-Madrasatain”, which will be presented for the gentlemen who want it ;

And I also mentioned some narrations in which those terms were mentioned. I gave this speech based on the information I had from the books of the Wahhabis that they had published against Shiism in the world;  And I did not know how many of those books had been published among the Muslims of Turkey, when the speech was over, I was faced with the strong emotions of the audience and continuous applause, and while we were going to the hall for dessert and tea, they surrounded me and asked many questions. including one of them that said: My thesis in the master’s degree of Elihat College was, “Distortion of the Qur’an among Shia”, . I will bring my writing for you to see. Now, after the graduate course, my doctoral thesis has been set to expand on the same topic!  And with your words today, you cottoned the threads of my thesis! You should send me books and give me your books on this so that I can reason with it!! And also from the other conversations that took place, we found out that the Wahhabis have published many books among the Muslims of Turkey and they have referred to the narrations found in our Kafi and other books of hadith that the Shia considers this Quran, which is among all the Muslims, to be distorted and says: The three caliphs have distorted it, they have a Qur’an called Fatima’s Mushaf, So they hide it and show this Quran to Muslims through taqiya. After that, they asked for my books, we had taken eight boxes of books with us, but I told them to keep the books and not to give them, it might not have a good effect. After these meetings, we gave the books to some people, and the next day we saw a good effect, Turkish scientists and university representatives took all the courses of the books and we also gave gifts to some visiting scholars. From the following lectures, it became clear that there is a strong difference between Turkish Muslim scholars regarding Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, whether their narrations should be accepted as Quranic revelation or not. Their reason was that the Sunna of the prophet is found in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim and the source of the Prophet’s Sunnah is revelation, and presenting the Sahih narrations on the Qur’an is an insult to that part of the revelation that is contained in the Sunna. The speech and its topic A- Topic of speech: Because after the uprising of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Wahhabis fight against Shiism with two tactics in order to worry the minds of Muslims more than anything else: 1- The fact that Shiites believe in the distortion of the Qur’an, and the arguments of Haji Nouri (God’s blessings be upon him) in “Chapter of Speech on the Distortion of the Book of god” they make it stereotyped in all kinds of publications, and most of all after arguing that the Kafi book is sufficient for Shiites, Like Sahih Bukhari, to them. They made More than seventy cases of Sharif Kafi’s book that Haji Nouri argued about are stereotyped, as they did recently in a Sudanese newspaper! 2- They claim that the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) can only be obtained from the Companions who understood the Prophet’s in his time and there is no other way, and for this reason they call themselves Ahl al-Sunnah, and since the Shiites take the rules of Islam from their imams, because They consider them Infallible, Therefore, they do not follow the Sunnah of the Prophet. Therefore, in the speech, it was tried to disarm them in the first case and to prove in the second case that the imams (As) are quoting the rules of Islam from the Prophet (PBUH). B – How i gave the speech The time of my speech had been set before noon because the attendees would get tired near noon and it was not a good situation;  I said that due to my heart disease, if I sit in the waiting room until then, I will get tired and I will not be able to give my speech. They accepted and took my name at the beginning of the time. My speech time was 20 minute. But it was not enough time to read the entire article, so I started reading a summary of the article and said:

In the next part of the article, we will discuss Allamah Askari’s speech at the Turkish conference. We invite you to read the next part of this article.


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