Allamah Askari’s testament about his Compilations

Allamah Askari's testament

In the name of God My dear children, know that my handwriting and writings are not part of your property and are exclusively the property of the Islamic Ummah and you are the guardian and responsible for it.  You must try to publish them, but if you fail or neglect in doing this, the publication should be done by one of the maraji taqlid. But in the case of my three sons, Noor al-din, Zia al-din and Kazem, their special responsibility [in addition to the responsibility and trusteeship and publishing] is to Supervision and correct possible mistakes. I hope you act like Sayyid Hassan Amin who spent his whole life to revive his father’s works and also like Mr. Milani in Khorasan who devoted his life to publishing his father’s works and not like Amini’s family who did not try to publish the rest of Al-Ghadir’s volumes. My other three sons, Adnan, Muhammad and Ahmad, can accompany and cooperate with their other three brothers if they wish to the extent of their ability. Alaskari 4 Rabi’ al-Thani, 1403 [coinciding with Wednesday, 19 January 1983] Dr. Askari’s words about the testament Thanks be to God, the Lord of the worlds, and the best greetings and thanks to the best of creation, the one whose name in the heavens is Ahmad and among the earth, his name is Abu al-Qasim Muhammad. (God’s peace be upon him, his pure family). God created human and placed the essence of reason in its body, and besides the essence of reason, he also placed animal instincts in its body. And before this human being, God, the magnificent and exalted, created the angels and placed only reason without animal instincts in them, and created animals and placed only animal instincts in them, but this human, along with the essence of reason, also has animal instincts, and this human being in his nature is very inclined to do evil deeds, as the Lord of the worlds said, the nafs commands evil unless my Lord has mercy on it. For this reason, God sent prophets and messengers to guide this human and [also] to explain the right path from the wrong and to guide them to something that makes them happy in this world and in the hereafter. God placed this guidance in the revelation of the prophets in a general way. Both prophets and messengers. Among these prophets and messengers was someone whose law was specific to him and his nation. Like the law of our prophet Noah (peace be upon him) and like the law of our prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) and like the law of our prophet Moses (peace be upon him), he perfected his religion and laws by sending the last Messenger Muhammad Abu al-Qasim (peace be upon him) and his pure family and [God ] said in his solid and honorable book (Qur’an): “Today I have completed my religion on you and completed my blessing on you and accepted Islam as your [eternal] religion” God, the Magnificent and Exalted, completed His religion and Sharia by sending the last Prophet, and with this final Sharia, He concluded the Messengers and the laws, but this Sharia is different from the previous heavenly laws due to its history, because God is Magnificent and Exalted. He divided it into two parts. The first part is the book of the dear [and impenetrable] God and the divine long string between heaven and earth; and the second part placed it in the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (thousands of blessings be upon him). When we say the Prophet’s Sunnah, we mean the well-known and common term among all Muslims, which includes the sayings, actions, and interpretations of the Holy Prophet, and this is the final sharia of God, the noble and high-ranking of its beliefs and rules, which he revealed in a comprehensive way, and perhaps in a vague way. He entrusted the interpretation and explanation of it to his Holy Prophet and said in his book that: “We have sent down the remembrance [of the Qur’an] so that you may explain to the people what has been revealed to them.”

And God revealed this Sharia in the form of a revelation during 23 years and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) explained the rules of Islam and its beliefs in a complete way for the entire Ummah and [all] Muslims and people and everyone who came to His Holiness. [He expressed and explained].  And he specifically clarified those rules and beliefs to his executor, his cousin Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon them all), During the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), Muslims followed what they heard from the Messenger (PBUH) in the context of the implementation of rulings and beliefs. Also, they followed what God revealed to His Prophet, both the Qur’an and revelation and other things… and they were familiar and knowledgeable about the revelation of some verses that were revealed to some companions and some Muslims. I don’t want to get into the topic of Imamate and Wilayat, because it is a detailed topic. But I want to say that after the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), the Muslims turned [back] from the Sharia of the last prophet: “Muḥammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allāh at all; but Allāh will reward the grateful.” (Al-Imran verse_144) And the first revolution and return that happened after the death of the Messenger of God (PBUH) is the movement that some of the Companions did in Saqifa Bani Sa’idah. And they came together and decided from among themselves a successor for the ummah and the Messenger of God (PBUH) without God revealing this matter and recommending it to the Messenger of God (PBUH) during his lifetime. The result of this action was that the Muslims differed in their beliefs, in their religious rules, and in other matters… Among them are those who believe that God the magnificent and exalted has a body and has eyes and hands, and [for these beliefs] we refer to the verses of The Holy Quran: “And construct the ship under Our observation and Our inspiration.” (Hud verse_37) “The hand of Allāh is over their hands.” (Al-Fat’h) And Another sect believes that God is pure and Dignified, “There is nothing like Him (Ash-Shura verse_11)” and God is not a material. And they also differed in the religious rules. To the extent that Muslims became two sects. According to them, the sect that is the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH)! And they said that we are Ahl al-Sunnah and another sect adhered to the will that God recommended to His Prophet and the same will that the Prophet (PBUH) bequeathed… which later were called the followers of the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) school. Or as some people say: “Shia” and the difference between these two schools reached such a point that one sect excommunicated the other sect.  And if we go back to history, we will see many examples in this field, and other sects appeared, such as Mu’tazila, Qarmatians, Khabitiyya, Hishamiya, and other sects… and these sects were not limited to a specific time. Rather, it continued until today, as a result, we see today… Other sects have been found, such as Wahhabism, Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State [between Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS], and also Baha’i. So, has God the magnificent and the dignified leave the creatures without someone to guide them to the right path? And teach them the right from the wrong? Never! And this is far from the dignity of God. As a result, God the Most High appointed 12 leaders for this Ummah, while God the Dignified bequeathed to His Prophet to announce to the people and to announce to the Muslims that these 12 people from among His Ah al-Bayt are the ones who are in charge of the religion affairs. And they are the ones who are in charge of explaining the rules. And they are the ones who are responsible for explaining the correct belief. But unfortunately, the nation went astray because of [following] whims and running after the perishable wealth of the world.

But those whom Allah has bequeathed to the Messenger of Allah to fight against deviance and to cure it, they are Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH). And they were martyred in this path. From the first Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) to the last Imam Hassan al-Askari (AS) and the poet says in this regard, I did not see an Imam among them who died on his pillow. All of them were martyred on this path. This was the case until the time of the minor occultation. During this era, our Imam, Imam Mahdi (AS) appointed certain delegates for the people to refer to. And after the end of the period of the minor occultation, our Imam Zaman (AS) left it to the scholars of the Ummah. As stated in the famous Maqboolah [Umar ibn Hanzalah, in which it is stated:] refer to the narrators of our hadiths… they took the Ummah’s responsibility and the scholars of the Ummah became followers of the Ahl al-Bayt school [in charge] of explaining the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, which has been distorted. And in this way they were martyred. There are many examples for this issue, among them is the first martyr, the second martyr and the third martyr, and until this time people such as Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr (may God have mercy on them all) also One of the people who took responsibility to clarify the suspicions that the followers of the school of caliphs planted is Allamah Askari (May God’s mercy be upon him), and one of those cases of the followers of the school of caliphs they said that Shiism originated from a Jew named Abdullah ibn Saba. He was the one who revealed himself and became Muslim during the Caliphate of Uthman. And he neglected the Companions of Amir al-Mu’minin imam Ali (AS) and created the Shi’ite belief and this doubt remained from the beginning of Islam until today and Allamah Askari did this work and wrote a book and in this book he explained the mistakes that the followers of the school of caliphate promoted, that the origin of Shia was Abdullah ibn Saba. And in this book, he proved that the character of Abdullah ibn Saba does not exist externally and that God did not create a person named Abdullah ibn Saba to be a source for the belief of Shiism or the belief of the followers of the Ahl al-Bayt school, and among the doubts that the followers of the Caliphate school instilled in  According to their own words, the followers of the Ahl al-Bayt school have another Qur’an apart from the original Qur’an that is in our hands, and they named it the Mushaf of Fatima. As a result, Allamah Askari addressed this issue and wrote a book entitled (Al-Qur’an Al-Karim wa riwayat al-Madrasatain), and in this book he refuted what the followers of the Caliphate school promoted like the followers of the school of Ahl al-Bayt having a Qur’an other than the Qur’an that is among us. Also, Allamah Askari (may God have mercy on him) addressed the doubts that the Orientalists promoted and [these doubts] remain with us until today.  And also other sects that were created by non-Muslims, such as Wahhabism, Bahaism, Al-Qaeda, ISIS,… and Allamah Askari refuted these doubts in his works, and before his death, Allamah Askari bequeathed that three of his sons: Sayyid Noor al-Din al-Askari, and Sayyid Zia al-Din al-Askari and Sayyid Kazem al-Askari, to be in charge of publishing and researching in his books, both his published books and his hand written works that have not been published yet. And this is a copy of the testament  that Allamah Askari bequeathed to his three sons, Sayyid Noor al-din, Sayyid Zia, and Sayyid Kazem, and for this, thanks to God, we established an institution to publish and print the books of Allamah Askari, including those that were previously published. And the works that have not been published yet, and there is still a manuscript that is available at the center of Allamah Askari, and today we are the guardians and responsible for his books and manuscripts, as Allamah Askari has bequeathed, and as Allama Askari said: you [my three sons] are the guardians and responsible for its publication.


Also, Allamah Askari says in his testament  that three of my sons, Noor al-Din, Zia al-Din, and Kazem, are responsible for overseeing these works and correcting the errors in them. And he said, whoever of them didn’t do this work then the maraji taqlid are responsible for it. And we seek refuge in God from [delaying its publication] and we, with God’s will, are determined to publish Allamah Askari’s books. Both those that have been published before and those that have not yet been published, and we hope for the Almighty God to make us successful in the path we have decided on, and we hope for the brothers who cooperate in this institution to help us in the research To achieve this goal that Allamah Askari asked us to do.


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